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Saturday 17 September 2016

ICT terms and terminologies

1.) *GOOGLE* - Global Organization Of Oriented Group Language Of Earth. 2.) *YAHOO* - Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle. 3.) *WINDOW* - Wide Interactive Network Development for Office work Solution. 4.) *COMPUTER* - Common Oriented Machine Particularly United and used under Technical and Educational Research. 5.) *VIRUS* - Vital Information Resources Under Siege. 6.) *UMTS* - Universal Mobile Telecommunicati ons System. 7.) *AMOLED* - Active-matrix organic light-emitting diode. 8.) *OLED* - Organic light-emitting diode. 9.) *IMEI* - International Mobile Equipment Identity. 10.) *ESN* - Electronic Serial Number. 11.) *UPS* - Uninterruptible power supply. 12. *HDMI* - High-Definition Multimedia Interface. 13.) *VPN* - Virtual private network. 14.) *APN* - Access Point Name. 15.) *SIM* - Subscriber Identity Module. 16.) *LED* - Light emitting diode. 17.) *DLNA* - Digital Living Network Alliance. 18.) *RAM* - Random access memory. 19.) *ROM* - Read only memory. 20.) *VGA* - Video Graphics Array. 21.) *QVGA* - Quarter Video Graphics Array. 22.) *WVGA* - Wide video graphics array. 23.) *WXGA* - Widescreen Extended Graphics Array. 24.) *USB* - Universal serial Bus. 25.) *WLAN* - Wireless Local Area Network. 26.) *PPI* - Pixels Per Inch. 27.) *LCD* - Liquid Crystal Display. 28.) *HSDPA* - High speed down-link packet access. 29.) *HSUPA* - High-Speed Uplink Packet Access. 30.) *HSPA* - High Speed Packet Access. 31.) *GPRS* - General Packet Radio Service. 32.) *EDGE* - Enhanced Data Rates for Globa Evolution. 33.) *NFC* - Near field communication. 34.) *OTG* - On-the-go. 35.) *S-LCD* - Super Liquid Crystal Display. 36.) *O.S* - Operating system. 37.) *SNS* - Social network service. 38.) *H.S* - HOTSPOT. 39.) *P.O.I* - Point of interest. 40.) *GPS* - Global Positioning System. 41.) *DVD* - Digital Video Disk. 42.) *DTP* - Desk top publishing. 43.) *DNSE* - Digital natural sound engine. 44.) *OVI* - Ohio Video Intranet. 45.) *CDMA* - Code Division Multiple Access. 46.) *WCDMA* - Wide-band Code Division Multiple Access. 47.) *GSM* - Global System for Mobile Communications. 48.) *WI-FI* - Wireless Fidelity. 49.) *DIVX* - Digital internet video access. 50.) *APK* - Authenticated public key. 51.) *J2ME* - Java 2 micro edition. 52.) *SIS* - Installation source. 53.) *DELL* - Digital electronic link library. 54.) *ACER* - Acquisition Collaboration Experimentation Reflection. 55.) *RSS* - Really simple syndication. 56.) *TFT* - Thin film transistor. 57.) *AMR*- Adaptive Multi-Rate. 58.) *MPEG* - moving pictures experts group. 59.) *IVRS* - Interactive Voice Response System. 60.) *HP* - Hewlett Packard.

Friday 8 May 2015

Gov. Al-makura Encourages Corpers To Marry Nassarawa Indigenes, Promises Them Automatic Employment

He made the pledge while addressing 2015 NYSC Batch ‘A’ corp members,during their swearing in- ceremony at Magaji Dan Yamusa permanent NYSC Orientation camp in Keffi Local Government Area of the state. He said that inter-marriage by corps members would not only foster unity, also promote peaceful co-existence among the people of the state and others states of the federation. He congratulated the corps members for the successful completion of their academic programmes at their various institutions of learning. “I urge you to use the lessons and experience yougained during this orientation course to developyourselves, your host communities, the state andthe Nigeria at large. “You should see yourselves as agent of positivechange in the society. “I want to advise you todischarge your duties without fear or favour, andrelate freely with your host communities. “Ipromise automatic employment to any NYSC Batch‘A’ corps member who marries an indigenes inorder to promote peaceful co-existence amongthe people of the state and others states of thecountry.” Al-Makura said. Al-Makura also assured the corps members ofadequate security throughout their service yearin the state. He urged them to be securityconscious, and to report any security breach tothe appropriate authorities for necessary action.He urged them to be agents of national unity, andto shun all forms of violence capable ofthreatening the existing peace of the state andthe country at large. The governor reinstated the state government’sdetermination to continue to support the scheme,in order to better the welfare of the corpsmembers. Earlier Mrs. Christy Uba, the Nasarawastate NYSC director, commended Gov.Al-Makurafor his support to the scheme in the state. Shesaid since the beginning of this orientationcourse, the corps members had exhibited goodconduct. A total of 1931 corp members have so farregistered at the orientation camp.

Saturday 2 May 2015

A glimpse of Microsoft’s future at Build 2015

SAN FRANCISCO— Over the past three days, Microsoft dropped a variety of mind-bombs on developers here at Build 2015, with reveals of projects that promise to make it easier for them to run applications on practically anything, even if they were originally written to run on non-Microsoft platforms. But perhaps the most buzzworthy sessions and demos outside the keynote addresses were around Microsoft's efforts for the Internet of Things (both with Windows 10 and the Azure cloud)  and the "Holographic Academy" sessions some developers attended to get a first hands-on experience with Microsoft's HoloLens. Here's a photographic diary of some of the highlights of Build.

Monday 20 April 2015

How To Live Alon

Late last year, for the first time in my 30-plus years of living indoors, I got my own place. No parents, no roommates, no girlfriend to share the space—just me, and the knowledge that when I come home every night, it'll be to an empty apartment. It has been wonderful, and freeing, but it can also be hard and lonely. It doesn't need to be. Humans are social animals, a fact you never appreciate quite so acutely as when you're deprived of the sort of low-impact, unintentional socializing that cohabitation provides. Sorting out your mail, asking each other what your plans for the evening are, even listening to your housemate's crappy music bleed through the bedroom wall—all ambient reminders that you are not the only person left alive. With all that unavailable, though, there absolutely are things you can do to make sure you don't get lost in solipsistic reverie, and instead fully enjoy all the best parts of not having to put up with someone else's shit in your own home. Figure out if you're the kind of person who can handle this. This sounds dumb; it's probably the most important thing here. I'm an only child, and exceedingly well-suited to being by myself. I'm entirely happy getting home after work and curling up with a book until it's time to go to bed—and what's more, I know that. When I signed the lease on my studio, I had no fear I was doing the right thing. But maybe you're different! Maybe you can't conceive of sitting down to watch a movie by yourself, or making dinner without keeping up a running commentary of things that happened that day, or checking your $30 moisturizing bar for strange hairs to make sure your roommate hasn't been using it. That's OK, but you need to be cognizant of whether hearing another human voice after your evening commute is going bring out your latent spree killer. People who need people should probably not wall themselves off. Make your place interesting to look at. You're going to be staring at the same four walls an awful lot, so you'd better liven things up to keep from resorting to tallying the passing days in chalk, prison-style. First off, this means owning things you actually like. I know, those $5 sludge-beige pillows from Target seem good enough, especially after the expenses of moving. But you have to live there now—it's worth taking the time to find something visually and tactilely appealing, and that won't have you sitting in your ascetic cell, silently resenting yourself for not making the effort to turn your home into a nice one. Go above and beyond with decoration. Paint an accent wall. Mess around with lighting. Get art! If there's nothing pleasant for your eyes to fall upon, they're going to spin around wildly until they pop out of your skull and roll under your bed, and there won't be a roommate around to help you find them. And then who'll wish they had gone to that affordable art fair? Once you've made things nice, change them up. Monotony is the scourge of the solo liver. Buy multiple sets of bedding, curtains, etc., and switch them when the seasons change. (Every time I change the sheets on my bed, I feel like I've moved into a swanky hotel.) For the ultimate life change, rearrange your furniture. Sightlines, man, sightlines. Make your home welcoming to visitors. Just because your house is empty right now does not mean it always has to be. You have lots of friends, I bet. No reason they can't come chill at your place, right? But it's on you to make them comfortable. Have places to sit. Spring for the larger sofa, so you and your buddy aren't sitting next to each other on the edge of your bed. Get a chair that you'll never use yourself. Get a good-sized dining table, even if you're a monster who sits in your recliner and eats Hot Pockets every night. OK, now give them good reasons to come over. Do you cook? Offer to cook. Invite them over to watch sports or play video games. Even if you're in a studio, there are lots of hanging-out activities that don't require space. If they're actually your friends, they won't mind running the risk of your knees occasionally brushing against each other's. Get out of the damn house. Just because you live somewhere doesn't mean you have to be there all the time. Find a bar or coffee shop or bookstore in your neighborhood that can serve as a second living room—with the added bonus of coming fully furnished with potential new friends. If possible, make it one with free WiFi: Bam, you just found yourself an external home office. Without the imagined opprobrium of a social-butterfly roommate, it might be harder to drag yourself out of the house once you've settled in for the evening. Force yourself to leave. Join a volunteer organization that you like, and make sure its activities have a set schedule so sitting on your ass that evening just isn't an option. Or join a gym—you'll feel guilty every day you don't go. And this should go without saying, but go out and hang with your friends. You won't worry that your apartment is getting lonely. Find something to talk to. When I was a kid, I'd sometimes play hooky from school and stay home and watch The Price Is Right and play video games all afternoon. But I'd always end up busting myself: My parents invariably figured out that I hadn't had any human interaction because I couldn't stop talking when they got home. It's good and important to be able to speak aloud. I've got a cat now, and I talk to my cat sometimes. Not (always) about cat stuff, but just banal observations about the real world. The cat doesn't care, obviously, but it's nice to not live solely in my own head. If you can't do a cat, get a fish. If not fish, buy a plant. And if you really don't want any other living thing under your roof, just vocalize your own thoughts. It's not crazy; think of it as a pressure valve that'll keep you from bursting. Know your bad habits so you can address them. You're going to become really familiar with yourself, and you might end up realizing you're a pretty terrible roommate. The best part of living alone is that there's no one to nag you. The worst part is also that there's no one to nag you. In the past, I've always had someone to remind me to pay the bills, or to stop leaving the air conditioner on, or to clean the bathtub, because my goodness, it's filthy. No more—I'm on my own, and if left to my own devices, things would go downhill. The thing to do was to become very conscious of exactly how and where I'm likely to let my living space go to shit, so I could nip it in the bud before it went beyond unshittable. An example: I'm really bad with sweeping. I'd usually let it get to the point where an exasperated housemate would just do it. Since that's not an option, I've drilled myself into sweeping way more often than my place probably needs. Terror is my great motivator: I know that if I let things get too bad, I might just give up on sweeping altogether. The upshot is having a remarkably clean floor, which, as it turns out, is kind of nice. As for the bills, I've just set myself recurring monthly reminders on my phone. It took two minutes, and it's saved me from living in a powerless hovel. Be prepared to be lonely sometimes. Living solo is going to aggravate your mood when life gets you get down. When you start to feel lonely—and worry whether living alone is the cause of it, and wonder if anyone would care if you never left your house or saw another human being again—deal with it the same way you would have when you got sad while living with other people. Whether that's going for a run or meeting a friend for a drink or seeking professional help, the key is not to automatically ascribe your sadness to your living situation. Everybody gets lonely. Even people who don't live alone. Enjoy all the great things about this. Congratulations! Living alone doesn't come cheap, and just being able to afford it means you've done all right for yourself. And, really, this is everything you've ever wanted: no authority figure or significant other telling you what to do, no inconsiderate roommate cramping your style or wrecking your stuff or keeping you up at night. You can literally eat ice cream for dinner. When you were a kid, this liberty was what you dreamed of as the best part of adulthood. Make it exactly that. Live the way you want, buy all the things that you've always wanted but had to forego in compromises with your housemate's desires. For years, I've really truly only wanted only two material objects: a leather recliner, and a single-serve Keurig machine. After I got the keys to my studio, I bought both even before I bought a bed. You are free now. You can come home after a shitty day and not have to make small talk with anyone. You can come home after a good date and jump up and down on your couch and scream. You can make your home the home you've always wanted, and there is no one you have to please but yourself. This is the best thing that's ever happened to you. But let's hang out sometime. Image by Tara Jacoby,

Thursday 16 April 2015

Frank Edwards is set to release a collabo with Don Moen

World renowned praise & worship leader, Don
Moen and Frank Edwards have collaborated to produce a
five track EP to be released later this year. In this video,
they share their experience of working together and we
also see some exclusive footage of Don Moen‘s studio
session. Check it out below as we await the release of the
EP which promises to be Life Changing. Enjoy

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Nokia just bought Alcatel-Lucent for $16.6 billio

Nokia could soon be the largest maker of mobile phone network equipment in the world ahead of Ericsson and Huawei. It just acquired French telecom equipment maker Alcatel-Lucent for 15.6 billion euros ($16.6 billion), or more than double the $7 billion Microsoft paid for its Windows Phone handset arm. The Finnish company also acquired Alcatel-Lucent's famous Bell Laboratories (established by Alexander Graham Bell in 1880) along with its numerous patents. With three major labs altogether, Nokia said "the combined company will be in a position to accelerate development of future technologies including 5G... as well as sensors and imaging." The merged businesses will run under the Nokia banner, but Bell Labs will keep the Alcatel-Lucent name.

Nokia won't be jumping into the Android business. Alcatel Mobile Phones (which makes the OneTouch and other devices) was originally a joint venture between Alcatel-Lucent and China's TCL -- and it's now 100 percent owned by TCL. Also, Nokia took pains to point out that while the merged business would be headquartered in Finland, France will remain "a vibrant center of the combined company." It added that it'll stick with Alcatel-Lucent's employment commitments in France -- no doubt because the Gallic nation is a shareholder and has been touchy about acquisitions of French companies like Dailymotion. The deal is scheduled to close in 2016.

Nokia said it may also sell off its Here mapping division to focus on the network business, but would only do it if the price was right. It was reportedly considering a sale to a German automaker consortium and even Uber, according to Bloomberg.

How To Watch Game Of Thrones On Anything, Without Cabl

Sunday, Sunday, SUNDAY! That’s when Game of Thrones comes back, and you need somewhere to watch it. But wait! What if you don’t have cable or an HBO package? Luckily, you don’t need it anymore—these days, you can legally stream HBO over the internet and onto virtually any device out there. Here’s how.

Things are better than they once were; why, back in my day the only way to watch Game of Thrones on show day was to buy a TV package, borrow a friend’s HBO Go login to watch it online (which still required someone to have a cable subscription) or shut out Twitter for a few hours and illegally download the episode from a torrent site. We’re living in better times now.
By now you’ve probably heard of HBO Now— it’s a $15 stand-alone service that lets you watch HBO TV shows with just plain ol’ internet. Sort of. The catch is that the service is exclusive to Apple devices for its first 90 days. Tough luck if you don’t have an iPad, iPod, iPhone or Apple TV, right? Good thing there’s a way around it!

Turns out that setting up your account is the only part of the process that’s actually exclusive to Apple at the moment. The HBO Now website will actually let you stream Game of Thrones (or any other HBO show) from any web browser on any computer, as long as you have an account. The app is free, so if you simply borrow a device from a friend or even use a demo-device on display at an Apple Store (not super recommended), you should be able to register in just a few minutes.

You won’t even need a credit card: HBO Now starts with a free trial. You’ll be watching the premiere for free.

How to Get It
Find an Apple device running iOS: an iPad, iPod, iPhone or an Apple TV.
If you don’t own an Apple device, borrow one from a friend or go to an Apple Store and use a display model.
Download the free HBO Now app from the App Store.
Select “Start your free trial with iTunes” and enter your name, email address, zip code and password.
Enjoy your new HBO Now account! You can stream shows from any iOS device you have access to or directly from any web browser on any computer. The Game of Thrones season premiere will go live on HBO Now the same time it premieres on live TV, just like HBO Go.
Can’t (or won’t) use an iOS device? Not content to watch on a computer? There is another option: Sling TV. Think of Sling TV as Netflix, but for live television—select channels are streamed to you over the internet for $20 a month with additional channels available via add-on packages. One of those add-ons is HBO. It costs $15 to add the premium network to Sling TV. It’s not perfect, but it could be good enough.

Sling TV will give you live HBO in time to watch the premiere of Game of Thrones season 5, but since the live service requires the basic package, you’ll be paying $35 total for the privilege. Unlike regular cable HBO subscriptions, you won’t have access to the HBO Go website either—meaning you can only watch the network and its backlog of on-demand content through the Sling TV app. The Sling TV app is available on Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Roku, Fire TV and Xbox One—but it’s a walled garden you might not want to walk through. Still, it’s a more complete HBO experience, and it comes with at least a dozen other channels, so long as you want them.

How to Get It

Open a web browser and go to
Click on “Start your 7 days free!”
Fill in your email address and desired password.
Scroll down to “Extras” and click the “Add” button next to HBO. It’ll turn into a green checkmark if you did it right. Also take a second to peek at the other packages. There’s one for kids channels (cartoons!) and sports (ESPN!) and more.
Enter your billing information (you won’t be charged until the 7-day trial is over) and click “finish and submit.”
Download the Sling TV app for iOS, Android, Amazon FireTV (or FireTV Stick) or Xbox One. Don’t have any of those? You can nab desktop apps for Windows and OS X from the Sling TV website.

OMG: 10 Nigerians killed and set ablaze in South Africa

10 Nigerians are feared dead after angry South Africans
launched a xenophobic attack on African migrants in
Johannesburg on Friday April 10th. According to reports, 5
Gabonese, 10 Somalis and 5 Congolese students were also
killed with some of their bodies set ablaze during the
According to reports, the South Africans say their anger is
that black migrants from other African countries are taking
all the jobs available to young men in their country, leaving
them, the citizens jobless, and slowly taking over their
In a related development, 5 Africans migrants in South
Africa were killed in yet another string of xenophobic
attacks in Durban today April 14th. The South African
police is currently patrolling the city to avert further attacks
on shops owned by immigrants from other African
countries. Malawian government have concluded plans to
repatriate its citizens in South Africa following the
increased rate of xenophobic attacks.

Zamfara to Earmark N40million To Facilitate Mass Wedding, Helping Indegenes Find Love

The Zamfara Government has earmarked N40 million to
facilitate a mass wedding, organised by the Association of
Widows and Divorcees in the state.
The Chairman of the Zamfara State Hisbah Commission, Dr
Atiku Zawiyya, made the disclosure in an interview with the
News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Wednesday in Gusau.
He said that the State Government decided to assist the
widows association to help the body to tackling its
The chairman noted that the activities of the association
were in line with the tenets of Islam and the promotion of
the Shari’a.
Zawiyya explained that the State Government supported
the initiative of the association to help in its effort to
reduce immorality in society.
He called on wealthy individuals to continue to assist the
activities of the association as government alone could not
do everything.
The secretary of the association, Malam Sani Usman, said
the money, if released by the government, would be used in
sponsoring the marriages of more than 200 widows,
divorcees, less-privileged and orphans.
He said that part of the money would be used to assist
some couples to start businesses to sustain their
Usman recalled that no fewer than 200 couples had
benefited from the programme in the past three years.

Top 10 universities with the fastest academic calender (MUST READ)

Incase you’re sitting for Jamb or want to Advice your
Children or Young ones on which University to Attend
without any Delayed calendar, He is the List of Universities
with the Fastest Academic Calendar in Nigeria as at April
10 Universities With Fastest Academic Calender In Nigeria
KWASU – Kwara State University.
UNIZIK – Nnamdi Azikwe University.
UNILORIN – University Of Ilorin.
UNIOSUN – Osun State University.
FUTO – Federal University Of Technology, Owerri.
RSUST – Rivers State University of Science and
UNN – University Of Nigeria, Nsukka.
FUTA – Federal University Of Technology, Akure.
UNIBEN – University Of Benin.
NDU – Niger Delta University.

See What House Of Reps Is Telling Jonathan To Do Before May 29

President Goodluck Jonathan has been asked to do
everything in his power to rescue the over 200 female
students of Government Girls Secondary School, Chibok,
Borno State, who were abducted a year ago by members of
the Boko Haram sect before May 29 hand-over date of the
current administration.

House of Representatives on Tuesday made this call to the
presidency and security operatives saying it was a shame
and embarrassing that the girls were still with their
abductors a year after they were kidnapped.
The abduction of the Chibok girls by Boko Haram
insurgents has led to outrage both within and outside the
Describing their abduction as a national embarrassment,
the House charged the Presidency and security operatives
to ensure that the girls were rescued before the expiration
of the President Goodluck Jonathan’s administration.
According to Sun online, the House’s resolution followed a
motion under matters of national importance, sponsored by
Abike Dabiri-Erewa (Lagos, APC).
The Speaker, Aminu Tambuwal, said: “As a nation, we must
do everything humanly possible to recover these girls.
“We pray that God in his infinite mercy should guide our
security agents on the recovery of the girls.“
He lamented that the claim by security operatives that they
knew the whereabouts of the girls was not correct, saying:
“As a government we should do everything possible to bring
them back.”
President Jonathan has been heavily criticized for his
failure to respond quickly enough to the abduction of the
school girls. The president himself has remained calm and
assured that the military is working hard to rescue the girls
and liberate Nigeria of the Chibok girls.
Col. Sambo Dasuki, the National Security Adviser (NSA)
retired, on Sunday (the anniversary of the kidnaping of the
Chibok girls) assured Nigerians that the federal government
was making every effort to enable that the girls along with
every other Nigerian kidnapped by Boko Haram terrorists
are freed.
The security adviser also stated that the girls will be
rescued before May 29.

Saturday 11 April 2015

Ambode Vs Agbaje: who would get your vote as Lagos State governor?

With just 24 hours to the gubernatorial elections in Lagos
State, all is now set to be a battle royale between the All
Progressive Congress (APC), candidate, Akinwunmi
Ambode and his fiercest rival, Jimi Agbaje of the Peoples
Democratic Party (PDP).
From the look of things, both contestants are ready to slug
it out tomorrow, April 11, 2015, as they have been vigorous
in their campaigns.
In fact, this is the first time the APC led government in the
state is having a very formidable opponent and it may not
be as smooth sailing as other elections have always been.
many see the power of incumbency as being in favour
of Ambode while others think Agbaje has what it takes to
wrestle power from the APC.

Thursday 9 April 2015

Check out the full list of the music billboard 2015 awards nominations

The first round of nominees for the 2015 Billboard Music
Awards are:

Ariana Grande
One Direction
Katy Perry
Sam Smith
Taylor Swift

5 Seconds of Summer
Iggy Azalea
Sam Smith
Meghan Trainor

Pharrell Williams
Ed Sheeran
Sam Smith
Justin Timberlake

Iggy Azalea
Ariana Grande
Katy Perry
Taylor Swift
Meghan Trainor

5 Seconds of Summer
Florida Georgia Line
Maroon 5
One Direction

One Direction
Ed Sheeran
Sam Smith
Taylor Swift

Iggy Azalea
Ariana Grande
Sam Smith
Taylor Swift
Meghan Trainor

Iggy Azalea
Ed Sheeran
Sam Smith
Taylor Swift
Meghan Trainor

John Legend
Maroon 5
Ed Sheeran
Sam Smith
Taylor Swift

Lady Gaga
One Direction
Katy Perry
The Rolling Stones
Justin Timberlake

Justin Bieber
Miley Cyrus
Selena Gomez
Ariana Grande
Taylor Swift

Iggy Azalea
Ariana Grande
Nicki Minaj
Taylor Swift
Meghan Trainor

Chris Brown
John Legend
Trey Songz
Pharrell Williams

Iggy Azalea
J. Cole
Nicki Minaj
Rae Sremmurd

Jason Aldean
Luke Bryan
Florida Georgia Line
Brantley Gilbert
Blake Shelton

Fall Out Boy

J Balvin
Juan Gabriel
Enrique Iglesias
Prince Royce
Romeo Santos

Clean Bandit
Calvin Harris
Lindsey Stirling

Casting Crowns
Hillsong United

Maroon 5, V
Pentatonix, That’s Christmas to Me
Ed Sheeran, x
Sam Smith, In the Lonely Hour
Taylor Swift, 1989

The Fault in Our Stars
Fifty Shades of Grey
Guardians of the Galaxy: Awesome Mix: Vol. 1
Into the Woods

Beyoncé, Beyoncé
Chris Brown, X
Michael Jackson, Xscape
John Legend, Love in the Future
Pharrell Williams, G I R L

J. Cole, 2014 Forest Hills Drive
Drake, If You’re Reading This It’s Too Late
Nicki Minaj, The Pinkprint
Iggy Azalea, The New Classic
Eminem, The Marshall Mathers LP 2

Jason Aldean, Old Boots, New Dirt
Garth Brooks, Man Against Machine
Luke Bryan, Crash My Party
Brantley Gilbert, Just As I Am
Miranda Lambert, Platinum

AC/DC, Rock or Bust
The Black Keys, Turn Blue
Coldplay, Ghost Stories
Hozier, Hozier
Lorde, Pure Heroine

Juan Gabriel, Los Dúo
Enrique Iglesias, Sex and Love
Romeo Santos, Formula: Vol. 2
Santana, Corazon
Marc Anthony, 3.0

Avicii, True
Disclosure, Settle
Calvin Harris, Motion
Skrillex, Recess
Lindsey Stirling, Shatter Me

Lecrae, Anomaly
Casting Crowns, Thrive
MercyMe, Welcome to the New
NEEDTOBREATHE, Rivers in the Wasteland
Chris Tomlin, Love Ran Red

Iggy Azalea feat. Charli XCX, “Fancy”
John Legend, “All of Me”
Sam Smith, “Stay With Me”
Taylor Swift, “Shake It Off”
Meghan Trainor, “All About That Bass”

Mark Ronson feat. Bruno Mars, “Uptown Funk!”
Sam Smith, “Stay With Me”
Taylor Swift, “Shake It Off”
Meghan Trainor, “All About That Bass”
Pharrell Williams, “Happy

John Legend, “All of Me”
MAGIC!, “Rude”
Nico & Vinz, “Am I Wrong”
Sam Smith, “Stay With Me”
Pharrell Williams, “Happy

Iggy Azalea feat. Charli XCX, “Fancy”
Hozier, “Take Me to Church”
John Legend, “All of Me”
Sam Smith, “Stay With Me”
Tove Lo, “Habits (Stay High)”

Idina Menzel, “Let It Go”
Bobby Shmurda, “Hot Boy”
Taylor Swift, “Blank Space”
Taylor Swift, “Shake It Off”
Meghan Trainor, “All About That Bass”

Chris Brown feat. Lil Wayne, French Montana, Too $hort &
Tyga, “Loyal”
Jason Derulo feat. 2 Chainz, “Talk Dirty”
Jeremih feat. YG, “Don’t Tell ‘Em”
John Legend, “All of Me”
Pharrell Williams, “Happy”

Iggy Azalea feat. Charli XCX, “Fancy”
Iggy Azalea feat. Rita Ora, “Black Widow”
Big Sean feat. E-40, “I Don’t F— With You”
Nicki Minaj, “Anaconda”
Bobby Shmurda, “Hot Boy”

Jason Aldean, “Burnin’ It Down”
Luke Bryan, “Play It Again”
Sam Hunt, “Leave the Night On”
Florida Georgia Line feat. Luke Bryan, “This Is How We
Florida Georgia Line, “Dirt”

Bastille, “Pompeii”
Coldplay, “A Sky Full of Stars”
Fall Out Boy, “Centuries”
Hozier, “Take Me to Church”
Paramore, “Ain’t It Fun”

J Balvin feat. Farruko, “6 AM”
Enrique Iglesias feat. Descemer Bueno & Gente de Zona,
Romeo Santos, “Eres Mía”
Romeo Santos feat. Drake, “Odio”
Romeo Santos, “Propuesta Indecente”

Clean Bandit feat. Jess Glynne, “Rather Be”
Disclosure feat. Sam Smith, “Latch”
DJ Snake & Lil Jon, “Turn Down For What”
Ariana Grande feat. Zedd, “Break Free”
Calvin Harris, “Summer”

Francesca Battistelli, “He Knows My Name”
Hillsong United, “Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)”
MercyMe, “Greater”
Newsboys, “We Believe”
Carrie Underwood, “Something in the Water”

Iggy Azalea
Taylor Swift
Meghan Trainor

Reasons why you should never date your best friend (MUST READ)

You have been in platonic friendship with a male/female
friend before but wants to upgrade it to full relationship,All
you need to do is to start from the beginning like he/she is
someone new. you know This is because you guy aren’t
friends anymore but in a romantic relationship with a
person capable of taking you through a whole lot of
emotional stages.
So you need to know that part of them to make it work and
regardless of whatever they might have told you about that
part of them in the past, just know that theory is one thing
and practical is yet another. the following are five reasons
why you must not date your best friend

1.You know each other too well
This should be a good idea and a plus under normal
circumstances but thing is when you know someone too
well, you tend to take them for granted without even
realizing it. Your best friend turned boo will not bother to
try and know more, they feel like they know your every
move so what is there to learn? It does not even bother
them when you feel somehow sometimes because they
know you so much they know you will eventually “snap out
of it.” Also they believe you know each other so well, you
should “understand” some things. A friend of mine told me
he dated his friend once and while they were dating, he still
treated her like that friend he knew not his girlfriend. The
girl on the other hand expected things to have changed. He
showed up for their dates a little late like he did when they
had hangouts when they were friends and still did some
things he did while they were just friends. The relationship
did not last, they knew each other too well.

2.You have too many things in common
The reason friendship worked between you two in the first
place is because you have a whole lot of things in
common. In relationships, opposite might be the attraction
because nobody wants to date another version of
themselves but in friendship, like poles attract and this is
because friendship is stronger when we see a version of
ourselves in the next person. When you and your friend
decide to take it up a notch and be each other’s boo, you
are most likely going to get bored out of your minds in the
first few months of your relationship. You will begin to
realize that you have so many things in common that it is
not so interesting and nothing new happens. The only new
thing would/might be the s3x and k!ssing which became a
part of your lives when you agreed to start dating.

3.The sheer awkwardness at the beginning
When you both are friends, there are no surprises. You
know this person and they know you and there is no reason
for you to feel awkward around your friend. When
relationship is introduced, then you begin to feel a bit
awkward moving from the friendship stage to easing into
the relationship stage.

4.What you thought you felt might not be what you truly
Yes you really like this man or woman and you would move
mountains for them. So you have one “electrifying” moment
and you both decide it is what you need to move to the
next level. Maybe you should wait and see if this is the real
feeling you need to feel before you make a decision to be
more than friends.

5.It is NOT easy
Contrary to what most people believe that easing into
relationships from the friendship stage is easy, it is not
always easy. Yes you have built a friendship for so many
years and have now decided to be more than just friends
but the truth is it does not become easier simply because
you were friends for a few years before you started dating.